Wednesday, May 5th's meeting was a vocational tour of the Diagnostic Imaging (DI) department at the Dryden Regional Health Centre.

After a brief intro from Rtn Angie , we were taken on a tour by Tina Oberg - head of the DI department.

During lunch, ...
we were thanked by DRHC, CEO Wade Petranik for the decades of support by Rotary for health care in Dryden going back to the construction of the hospital back in 1956 to support for the present CT scan unit.

Tina then provided us with a brief insight into what CT scan , Digital x-ray , and Ultra Sound are used for. She indicated that there is now a protocol to be followed before doing a CT scan and it gives off about as much radiation as 200 chest x-rays.

DRHC has state of the art equipment as both the CT scan and Digital X-ray
are less than a year old.

Andrew Skene then gave a pitch for a new ultra sound machine as the present
equipment is 9 years old and getting towards the end of it's useful life.

When asked when the campaign for a new one would start - he indicated right
now—so the hat was passed around and we collected over $50 to start the new