It is with regret that we learned of Sushil Gupta’s, (President-nominee for the 2020-21 Rotary year) decision to resign his position as a result of his health. I am sure it was an extremely hard decision to make and I am sure the people of India and throughout Rotary are disappointed.
An organization in which its leaders are chosen at an advanced age must be prepared to face such problems. President-elect Sam F. Owori's sudden death after surgery in July 2017 is but another recent example..
At the same time such incidents present an unexpected yet unavoidable opportunity. To cut to the quick, it is an opportunity for Rotary to choose a woman as its President.
RI has celebrated its one-hundred and fourteenth birthday. Women are this year celebrating their thirtieth year as members. There have been 114 men as President. Even though women have been members for about 21 per cent of Rotary’s years of existence none have been a Rotary President.
Women at this time, also just happen to be 21 per cent of our membership. It looks like fate, the stars, or the hidden hand of a Great Creator are a lined.
Let us do more than hope, those who will make the decision on who will replace Sushil Gupta, will choose a woman. Let us as individual members of clubs attempt to have our Clubs pass a motion to send to General Secretary John Hewko, President Barry Rassin and President-Elect Mark Daniel Maloney to pass on our respective Club’s wishes that the selection committee take this opportunity to celebrate women in our organization. It would be a fitting tribute to their 30 years of service.
Rotary doesn’t listen to individuals but they do take advice from Clubs.
Although we can’t promote any individual woman there is nothing to prevent a campaign to nominate a woman as President-nominee.
There is nothing to prevent an unprecedented social media movement. Let us start with the hash tag #RIWPNow! And #ClubRIWPNow! #WomanasRotaryPresident @RotaryW.