Posted by John Borst on Feb 07, 2019
Do you know what a brownfield is? The Merriman Webster dictionary defines it as “a tract of land that has been developed for industrial purposes, polluted, and then abandoned..” Cambridge English lumps together “interstitial spaces, brownfields, disused industrial estate, railway lines and stations, abandoned ports,  and plots in ruins as unproductive areas within the economic structure of the city which could potentially be used for temporary activities.
Shaw Cable of Saskatoon has produced a story on how a brownfield in that city has been reclaimed with what is a “temporary use”, an above ground community garden.
Dryden has a rather extended area of brownfields which do not leave a very good impression of the city as visitors pass through. I am referring to the south side of Government Road or Highway 17 between the walkway overpass and the 7-11 Petro-Can station.
Perhaps the group who organises the current Dryden Community garden might consider developing another site on Dryden's Brownfield lands. 
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