Shelterbox Canada name dispute settled
Posted by John.Borst
on Oct 14, 2010
The October 2010 Shelterbox Canada newsletter is out and although the lead stories are a “Thank You for Your Support” since June 2010, of over $282,000 and an “Update on Pakistan” where shelter has been provided for over 147,000 people, the exciting story from a management perspective is the news that ShelterBox and Disaster Aid Canada recently completed successful mediation meetings with a positive agreement for both organizations to move forward.
The former ShelterBox Canada is now operating separately as Disaster Aid Canada. ShelterBox regained the name of ShelterBox Canada which will operate as the new Affiliate of ShelterBox International.
In September the new ShelterBox Canada was incorporated as a non profit Corporation and is now in the process of applying for charitable status with the Canada Revenue Agency. In the meantime ShelterBox will continue to operate as a project of the Rotary District 5550 World Community Service Foundation which is a registered charity in Canada under the chairship of Ron Noseworthy of the Kenora Club.
Other stories include “400 ShelterBoxes to be sent to Mexico” and “ShelterBox Canada Leadership Team”
The read the newsletter click HERE