Rtn John B provided us with an overview of our club website home page.

The home page is divided into 4 columns with the left column having many Rotary links as well as the list of our executive.

The middle two columns have stories, events and "news" items

The right column has the member login at the top and then photojournals, speakers, etc

The login allows you to access more member information as well as the email message centre

ON the homepage , there is an 8 minute video which describes the features of the website and how to access them.

If you have not logged in, click on LOGIN and then follow the instructions ...you will then be sent a password...and you can then go back and login in using your name and the password you were given.

You can then go to your profile and change any part of the profile as well as your password

Only  you can change your profile...please correct any outdated information.