Rtn. Kathy was born and raised in Dryden. After finishing high school she went to Marvel Hairdressing School. When her 2 children no longer required her to be at home full time, Kathy worked at different jobs including Camera Corner, Dufresne’s, Patricia Gardens, and Pam’s Pantry


With the closure of Pam’s Pantry, Kathy was looking for new work and fortunately was advised that Steven’s Funeral Home was hiring and after an interview, got the job.
Kathy loves both the interaction with families as well as the administrative tasks that come with the job.
Rtn Bob Stevens came north with his family at an early age as his father was in the police force in Nipigon. Coming from Nova Scotia where the temps rarely dropped lower than - 10 C to Nipigon where it was -25C was a shock to the system but they stayed.
As Bob ended his high school career, he was not sure of his future but someone suggested he looked like a funeral director and that inspired him to train for the job.
When he finished he was unsure if this was the right path so went back to Lakehead University and got a degree in Economics
Finishing and noting that there was not a great demand for his Economics degree he joined Sargent and Son Funeral home in Thunder Bay and spent the next 18 years there.
When an opportunity opened to work in Dryden in the late 90s, Bob jumped at the chance as there was a possibility of eventually owning the home.
Bob loves his work and has changed the direction of the funeral home from a retail outlet selling caskets to one selling a service.