In an e-mail Gord LeMaistre, of the Rotary Club of Kenora, and chairperson of the Canadian Ripple Effect Program along with his wife Debra, described progress being made on the Tameja School in Guatemala.
LeMaistre said, “Good progress is being made on Tameja, despite the worst rainy season Guatemala has had in at least 50 years. “
According to his Guatemalan contact, Julio, “The rainy season is devastating many places and lot of roads are closed. The construction is going well although a little delayed because of the road problems.” Julio goes on to say as a result, “We have faced extra costs in transportation but we have looked with some institutions to help us to cover that.” However Julio also said, “The help offered by the Municipality has been irregular because they have had to cover other needs.”
The school is expected to be finished this year and Gord and Debra LeMaistre are planning a visit in the very near future.