The bar chart below provides data on the country of origin for the last 500 visits only. (The free service only tracks the last 500 visits beyond that there is a fee.) As you can see visitors are overwhelmingly from Canada. But advertisers legitimately might ask, "How many of them are from the Dryden area?" What follows is an attempt to provide an answer to that question.
Between October 9th and November 1st, 114 different computers ("unique visitors") were tracked to the Rotary Club of Dryden website. Of these fully 101 or 88.5% were from within Canada. Of those 54 or 53.5% were from Dryden. If one adds the computers from North Western Ontario, the total becomes 61 or 60.4%.

This is good news for those considering advertising on the site as the predominant audience is indeed from Dryden and NWO.

Of the remainder from Canada, 17 are from elsewhere in Ontario of which 10 are disproportionately from North Eastern Ontario, particularly Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. 

I also took a look at what number were from within District 5550. Including Dryden the number of differrent computers visiting the site from a District 5550 location is 65 or 64.3%

Of the remaining 13 locations, nine were from the USA and four from the rest of the World. Interestingly, there was a visitor from Evanston, Illinois, the location of Rotary International headquarters.

Page loads explode with new format

Another way the new format supports a decision by local businesses to advertise on the Rotary Club of Dryden website is the increased depth to which visitors are now exploring the Dryden site.

You will see this on the above graph when you compare the width of the green "page loads". As you can see, if you compare the difference between the blue Unique Visitors ("different computers") and page loads in May-June verses September-October.  This means visitors have opened other pages beyond the "Home" page. 

Personally, I think this is a result of inserting the "pull down" menus from the Menu Bar. In particluar, I think the effort to insert the "Stories Archive" is a large part of growth in this area. This is important for banner advertisers because it means seeing the ads each time a new page is opened.

By way of comparison the two graphs above compare traffic from a large urban Club website which is also using the new design 2.0 format to traffic to the Dryden site for the same 7 day period Oct. 21st - 28th, 2010.  However, the "Urban" site does not make the "Stories Archive" easily available with the result that page loads frequently match visitors (unique and returning) almost 1:1. Note too, the two graphs are not at the same scale and as a result counting the "page loads" the Dryden site is generating more traffic.