July 1st is the start of each Rotary year, so the last meeting in June sees the outgoing president pass the gavel, to the incoming president.

Mardi passed on a special thank-you to the four past-presidents who filled in for her while she recovered from her therapy specially: Ed Iskra, Brian Braid, John Carlucci, and Peter Marshall
The club was then treated to a review of Mardi’s year created by Rtn. Susan Reany Iskra (https://youtu.be/ZAbj0HKnx4A)
Mardi then turned the meeting over to incoming President Anna by presenting her with the President’s lapel pin after which Anna introduced her executive.
Rtn Will Vermeer, then inducted Anna as President and the members of her executive. Anna assumed control of the meeting saying a few words before introducing a video about the club produced by Rtn Chuck Schmidt titled: Dryden Rotary Club: What Does Rotary Mean to Us?