Noseworthy gave us an update on the split between Shelter Box and the group now known as Disaster Aid Canada.

As a result of mediation a possible court battle between the two organizations was averted but ShelterBox did not get back its mailing list so that persons wanting to get back on the mailing list should go to the organization's website at and sign up for the e-newsletter.

ShelterBox Canada has incorporated and is seeking tax status. In the meantime, donations are being routed through District 5550's World Community Service Foundation (WCSF) and people are still able to get receipts for tax purposes.

A temporary Board has been set up of which Ron Noseworthy is the temporary chair. The new head office of the Canadian organization is in Toronto.

ShelterBox has responded to 15 disasters since January 2010 (to July) and is typically responding to a new disaster every two weeks.

ShelterBox's HQ is in Cornwall in the UK. and there are 18 international affiliates.

Most recently, ShelterBox has been sent boxes to the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala and Niger.

Ron finished with a slideshow of his trip to Haiti this spring.